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You plan to create a hammam home or office space? You already have a hammam room but you want to maintain all aircraft that are there? Discover in our category "Accessories for hammam" a selection of products that will meet all your needs. We put at your disposal a wide range of accessories of high quality and resistant that will make your relaxation area, a place of relaxation and well-being, while respecting the current standards. {desc2} Passing through the nozzles of steam, steel pipes, fans, led, pregnant, and other spots, we also offer products for cleaning and descaling as disinfectants, solvents, and cleaners. In short, we have everything need you and that is related to your device for Hammam. For the maintenance of your space, we have many accessories that might interest you. See for example our corrugated steel pipe that will connect the output nozzle steam generator. Very resistant to corrosion, creep, low temperatures and abrasion, this accessory is also very flexible as it folds easily. We also have the 12 volts for hammam fan who is not afraid of moisture. It connects easily on your steam generator transformer or a classic 12 V mains. Its strong point: he is not afraid of moisture and its protective grille is 15 centimeters in diameter. There is also the flexible inlet which will allow you to connect the water inlet steam generator. These are consistent with the standards DIN 73411 tubes - 1996. They are very resistant, very dense, very elastic and very hard. Once screwed on the generator, these hoses will secure high pressures and high temperatures. Don't forget our solvents and disinfectants to spray that are also very effective. Many accessories for maintenance
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